Control Your Home With Siri [SiriProxy Plugin] (Video)

With the help of ioBridge & X10, Mark Hodder made a SiriProxy Plugin that allows him to control his home. You can light the fireplace or turn on the lights just using only your voice.

The following things were used in his setup: Continue reading

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See What’s On TV Today With And Siri [SiriProxy Plugin] (video) is a great website to keep track of all your favourite movies and tv shows. Developer @matsimitsu recently wrote a SiriProxy Plugin that allows you to use your voice to see what tv shows are on tonight.

Watch the video after the break: Continue reading

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Control Your TiVo With Siri [SiriProxy Plugin]

@luisal82 developed a SiriProxy Plugin that allows him to control his TiVo with Siri. As we can see in the video, the following commands are currently supported:

Navigating through TiVo’s interface:

  • TiVo List - Opens TiVo Guide
  • TiVo Up
  • TiVo Down
  • TiVo Select
Control Playback: Continue reading

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How To Install SiriProxy (Video)

The developer of SiriProxy, @plamoni, made a video on how to install SiriProxy on Ubuntu 11.10. If you don’t have Ubuntu, you can easily create a virtual machine on your PC or Mac with VirtualBox.

Set up Ubuntu on a Mac
Set up Ubuntu on Windows

If you successfully set up Ubuntu, you can start installing SiriProxy: Continue reading

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Control Your Squeezebox With Siri With This Hack [SiriProxy Plugin]

The Squeezebox Plugin for SiriProxy by @mvilrokx lets you control your Squeezebox with Siri.

At the moment, the following commands are supported:

  • Radio on - will turn the player on
  • Radio off - will turn the player off
  • Artist [name] - will start playing songs by [name]
You can download the plugin here.

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SiriProxy Plugins Can Now Use Your Location

@simonmaddox updated SiriProxy to support locations. This could be especially useful for people outside the US as there is currently no support for location services for countries other than the US. With the updated version of SiriProxy, someone could write a SiriProxy Plugin that allows commands like “Find restaurants near me” in other countries as well.

Download SiriProxy with location support here.

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