TinyAssistant Disables Siri’s Help Bar


TinyAssistant is a Cydia tweak that disables Siri’s help bar. So if you activate Siri after installing TinyAssistant, you will only see the Siri icon, the sentence “What can I help you with?” disappears.

If you at some point still want to see all the things you can ask Siri, simply say “Help” and Siri will bring up a list of things she is able to answer.

TinyAssistant is avaliable for free in Cydia.

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3 thoughts on “TinyAssistant Disables Siri’s Help Bar

  1. Pingback: QuickSiri: Launch Siri In Full Screen | sirihacks.net

  2. Hi,
    I tried using this app from Cydia and its really Great.
    But the only problem i am facing is, I am not able to get back the “What can I help you with” label after uninstalling the application

    If you could let me know how to fix this. it would be of great help.


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