Coming Soon: Lingual Plugin For AssistantExtensions Lets Siri Translate 30+ Languages

@CodeThemed is working on Lingual, an AssistantExtension plugin that allows you to translate over 30+ languages using Siri. The following languages will be supported: Continue reading

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AssistantExtensions: Use Siri To Tweet And Search For Videos On Youtube (Video) [Cydia Tweak]

AssistantExtension by K3A is a new Cydia Tweak that extends Siri’s functionality. It currently allows you to open Apps, send tweets, turn on/off SBSettings toggles, talk with the integrated chatbot and even use Siri to search for videos on YouTube. Continue reading

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Hands-Free Control Starts Siri With Your Voice (Video) [Cydia Tweak]

Hands-Free Control has been around for a while now, but with the recent jailbreak of the iPhone 4S, it just got a lot more interesting. Hands-Free Control only does one thing: It continuously listens until it hears the keyword (standard is “Siri”, but you can change it to another word). Once it recognizes the keyword, Siri will show up and you can use it as usual. This tweak is really great if you want to use Siri in your car and don’t want to hold down the home button for 2 seconds. Continue reading

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SiriToggles: Launch Apps, Toggle Settings And Control Brightness With Siri (Video) [Siri Tweak]

SiriToggles is probably the best Siri Tweak we have seen so far. It enables some of the most wanted features for Siri. Continue reading

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VoiceUtils Adds Custom Commands To Siri (Video) [Siri Tweak]

VoiceUtils is a free tweak that adds new commands to Siri. You can find OpenSiri in Cydia’s BigBoss repo.

Four Commands are currently supported: Continue reading

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Control Your Dreambox With Siri [SiriProxy Plugin] (Video)

@ninja98 just released a new version of his SiriProxy Plugin that allows you to control your Dreambox. The following commands are supported in this version:

  • start tv
  • set tv to standby
  • search for a program and find out when it will air
  • set a timer to record the program
  • get information about what’s airing without viewing
  • get information about the next broadcast on a channel
  • next channel in list
  • previous channel in list
  • find out how long a program is still on
  • find out when a program will start
  • search for a program name and automatically switch to correct channel if airing

Download the source code here.


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