How To Get Siri Dictation On Your iPhone 4 Right Now With Siri0us (Video)

The hackers are still working hard on a Siri Port to the iPhone 4, but it seems like we still have to wait a while until it is fully ported. In the meantime we can use the new Siri0us Tweak to enable Siri Dictation on any iOS 5 device without any iPhone 4S keys.

The reason why Siri0us works without any iPhone 4S authentication keys is that Siri0us is actually based on nuance dictation.

Siri0us works on all devices running iOS 5 such as the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G and the iPad 1. iOS 5.0 and iOS 5.0.1 are supported.

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SiriProxy Plugins Can Now Use Your Location

@simonmaddox updated SiriProxy to support locations. This could be especially useful for people outside the US as there is currently no support for location services for countries other than the US. With the updated version of SiriProxy, someone could write a SiriProxy Plugin that allows commands like “Find restaurants near me” in other countries as well.

Download SiriProxy with location support here.

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Start And Control Your Computer With Siri [SiriProxy Plugin]

ianjmcdowell developed some interesting SiriProxy Plugins. He uploaded a video showcasing all four of them:

  • His first plugin allows you to send text messages with Google Voice.
  • The next plugin lets you start your computer via Wake On Lan.
  • The third plugin lets you control iTunes.
  • His last plugin allows you to open any application on your Mac.
Watch the video after the break: Continue reading

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FastPdfKit Is The First Siri-controlled App [SiriProxy Plugin] (video)

FastPdfKit released a SiriProxy Plugin that allows you to control FastPdfKitReader from another iPhone 4S with Siri. By saying “next”, it will take you to the next page. You can also “search for keyword” by your voice. MobFarm explains how it works:

In few words: a proxy server (SiriProxy) intercepts the siri commands sent to Apple (we are in the middle), a plugin adds some new commands to the list of accepted ones by Siri, takes the answers and opens a tunnel with a chat server. The chat server immediately sends the command to the iOS app that is logged as user. The application listens for messages and if receives something parses the content and react accordingly.

Watch the video after the break: Continue reading

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Control Your Car With Siri [SiriProxy Plugin]

@Fiquett developed a SiriProxy Plugin that allows you to start, stop, arm or disarm your car which has a Viper SmartStart module installed.

To run this hack yourself, you also need a PHP-script written by fiquett in addition to the SiriProxy plugin.

Watch the video after the break:

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Check Rotten Tomatoes Scores For Your Favorite Movies [SiriProxy Plugin]

“Movies with Siri” is a simple plugin for SiriProxy that lets you check the Rotten Tomatoes score for your favorite movies.

After installing the plugin, you can ask: “What is the rating of Avatar?” and Siri will give you the Rotten Tomatoes rating of the movie. In future releases, there will most likely be more additional commands such as ”How well did Avatar do?” or “Should I watch Avatar?”

Download the plugin here.

via @jarques,

Image by JoBlo

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