Jackoplane Finally Shows Proof For His Siri Port (Video)

Yes, you heard that right. After more than 2 weeks, Jackoplane finally shows video proof for his Siri Port. He showed Siri running on his iPhone 4 live on ustream and people were also allowed to request things he should ask.

Siri works perfectly fine, although Dictation doesn’t work yet.

We don’t know if Jackoplane had a working Siri Port all along or if he got it working after Applidium cracked Siri’s protocol and he could use their method to extract the reqired info. So far, chpwnunimp0rtanttech and Jackoplane were the only people who were able to port Siri to any device other than the iPhone 4S.

Jackoplane promised to release more details tomorrow. Watch his ustream recording here:

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5 thoughts on “Jackoplane Finally Shows Proof For His Siri Port (Video)

  1. This is fake. Jackoplane insists he can show proof via webcam on skype, or even webcam on ustream. He always tweets to stroughtonsmith (a proper hacker), when he can do skype with him to show Siri working. Remember, this same webcam proved some recognised hackers (like IrisDevTeam members) that his port is legit. We all know what happened afterwards, even his old mate josh tucker calling him fake. He can never make a video for youtube. Why is that? What is restricting him to do that?

  2. He is definitely fake. With Applidium’s research, lots of ppl have shown a video proof before him. Why didn’t he show a video before Applidium releasing the tool? Because he couldn’t!

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